Sunday, January 06, 2008

The Ball has Started Rolling

I wrote an entire excellent blog on how I just got set up for a decent deal on a used Edelbrock intake for the Cadillac 500 engine I want to put in the Chevelle...and Blogger screwed up and lunched it when I hit "Publish Post." So you get the short version.

I was going through car show photos from this summer, and I came across this one:

Dual-engine 500-inch Cad dragster

It's a rail I've seen run at Raceway Park a couple times. This shot is from Goodguys this past summer. It's got two Cad 500s in it. I don't know anything else about it at this time, but it's pretty cool. They use it as an exhibition car to smoke the tires for most of the track. Fun stuff.

So this pic got me thinking about the two 500s I have in the garage, how I've not been doing anything with them, and how I'd like to be doing something with them.

I got on the net and hunted around for info, trying to feel like I was getting somewhere. I stumbled across a link to the H.A.M.B. message board for an Edelbrock intake for a Cad 500. I figured it was old and sold. Nope. Looked like it was still unsold as of about a week previous. I emailed the seller. Two days later I've got an agreement to send him some cash and it's mine! I'm saving sixty bucks off the price of a new one, and it was never used, just installed by a guy who didn't bother to make measurements on his Deville before trying to install it (hood clearance issues).

I think I hear the sound of a ball starting to roll.

Now, about those stupid brakes and steering on the Chevelle...ugh...


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